055 671 16 80
Mo-Fri: 8:00 - 16:00

Italian paving

We have all the catalogs from Mirage and Novabell at our disposal, according to which you can choose the most beautiful for you. According to your choice and the size of the space, we can make you turnkey paving.
More than 120 million square meters of tiles worldwide, from America through Europe to Asia and Oceania. Mirage is a company that has helped shape the story of porcelain around the world. Many years of experience, together with significant investments in research and technology over the years, have helped the company to meet efficiency and flexibility in the demands of the world and construction. The company offers solutions that are increasingly innovative and sophisticated, whether in terms of reliability or design.
For the current offer of Mirage catalogs, please click on the following link.
The one who founded NovaBell was used to flying high. The passion with which he piloted his plane and surrounded himself in the sky over Sassuolo is still in the eyes of who was there and in the stories of those who came later. But Silvio Bellei climbed high because he knew how to stay with his feet on the ground: in the jug of emotion is the daughter of reason, the passion of concreteness. The company was founded in 1988 by Silvio Bellei, one of the founders of the Italian ceramics industry, the protagonist since the early fifties of development in Sassuolo with extremely successful stories. This year, the company is 30 years old. It has been three intense decades, full of passion for ceramics and full of desire to do more and better.
For the current offer of Novabell catalogs, please click on the following link.
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