055 671 16 80
Mo-Fri: 8:00 - 16:00

Privacy Policy




Limited Liability Company TOBÁKOS s.r.o. is engaged in the complete supply of roofs, facades, and construction activities.
We provide our clients with:
• consulting services related to construction work,
• preparatory work and construction of buildings or parts - roofs, facades and the like,
• interior finishing work.

We process your personal data for the purposes of the proper delivery of goods and provision of services.
The operator who processes your personal data is:

TOBÁKOS s.r.o.
sídlo Slovenská 16, 040 01 Košice - mestská časť Staré Mesto
IČO: 51831295
DIČ: 2120815521
IČ DPH: SK2120815521 podľa §4
contact: +421 55 671 16 80


By personal data, we mean all information about an identified person (a specific person) or an identifiable natural person (a person that we can determine according to the given data). We process your personal data that you provide to us when ordering goods, ordering a service, or when you are interested in our services. We process your identification, contact details, and data necessary for the contract's performance so that we can adequately provide you with assistance. Without providing your essential personal information, we would not be able to provide you with services.

Spracúvame tieto osobné údaje :
- meno a priezvisko, telefónne číslo, email.

When using the website, we process your personal data, which we obtain based on your use of the website (eg, IP address, logs, cookies, resulting from the technical functioning of the website) or from filling in forms on the website (demand for services - name and surname, telephone number, email).

A cookie is a small text file that a website stores on your computer or mobile device when you browse it. This file keeps the website informed of your steps and preferences (such as login name, language, font size, and other display settings) for a while, so you don't have to re-enter them the next time you visit or browse the site. You can see more about the "cookies" we use on our website in a separate section. You are notified on our website to operate, enable, or disable cookies.

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is:
- PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT - provision of services between you and the operator,
- THE AUTHORIZED INTEREST OF THE OPERATOR IN DIRECT MARKETING ACTIVITIES (eg, sending service offers to customers if the goods and services have already been provided to them),
- YOUR CONSENT to the processing of data to provide direct marketing (particularly the sending of service offers to persons who were not customers of the operator). The company TOBÁKOS s.r.o. as the operator does not perform automatic individual decision-making or profiling in the sense of § 28 par. 1 and 4 of Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data.


In some cases, another person - the intermediary - processes your personal data on behalf of the operator. Each such intermediary has a written contract with us, which he treats as personal data and for what purpose he processes it. We only contract persons who provide sufficient guarantees that the processing of personal data is lawful and that the protection of your rights is ensured.

Recipients of your personal data are persons:
• who work for the operator as employees or under another contract with involved in the performance of the contract between you and the operator,
• which provide website operation services, operator software and other services in connection with the operation of the website,
• which provide accounting, tax and legal services for the operator.

If your personal data is provided to a public authority that processes personal data on the basis of a special regulation or an international agreement by which the Slovak Republic is bound, it is not considered a recipient. The controller declares that it does not intend to transfer personal data to a third country, ie a country outside the European Union or an international organization.


Vaše osobné údaje spracúvame a uchovávame :
- počas doby, ktorá je nevyhnutná pre výkon práv a povinností zo zmluvného vzťahu medzi Vami a prevádzkovateľom,
- počas doby, ktorá je nevyhnutná pre uplatňovanie právnych nárokov zo zmluvného vzťahu medzi Vami a prevádzkovateľom, najviac na dobu štyroch rokov,
- počas doby, ktorá je nevyhnutná pre archiváciu na daňové a účtovné účely, najviac po dobu 10 rokov od ukončenia zmluvného vzťahu, okrem mzdovej agendy uchovávanej aj dlhšiu dobu,
- do doby odvolania Vášho súhlasu so spracúvaním osobných údajov pre marketingové účely, najviac na dobu jedného roka, ak sú osobné údaje spracovávané na základe súhlasu.

After the necessary retention period of personal data, your personal data will be deleted.


In accordance with Act no. 18/2018 Coll .:
- the right to request access to your personal data from the controller,
- the right to correct and supplement your personal data,
- the right to delete your personal data from other operators (forgotten),
- the right to restrict the processing of personal data,
- the right to object to the processing of personal data,
- the right to the transfer of personal data,
- the right to withdraw his consent at any time in writing or electronically to the controller's data,
- the right to file a petition to initiate proceedings, if you think that you have been affected by your rights established by law, at the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic, Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava 27; tel. number: +421 / 2/3231 3214; mail:,

The controller shall notify the Personal Data Protection Office of the personal data breach within 72 hours of learning about it via the specified form, unless this is unlikely to lead to a risk to the rights of the individual. The controller is obliged to notify the data subject without undue delay of a personal data breach, if such a breach of personal data protection may lead to a high risk to the rights of a natural person.


Prevádzkovateľ týmto vyhlasuje, že sme prijali všetky primerané technické a organizačné opatrenia na zabezpečenie ochrany Vašich osobných údajov:
a) šifrovanie osobných údajov,
b) zabezpečenie systémov spracúvania osobných údajov,
c) zálohovanie osobných údajov,
d) pravidelné hodnotenie účinnosti technických a organizačných opatrení.
Technické opatrenia zabezpečujú uloženie dát v elektronickej podobe najmä zabezpečenie, šifrovanie počítačov, webovej stránky, softvéru heslom, používaním antivírového programu a pravidelnou údržbou.

Technical measures - locking of premises, locking of storage cabinets, will also provide personal data in paper form.


On our website and at the address of Slovenská 16, Košice, you can always get acquainted with the principles of personal data processing and personal data protection. These principles apply to the business relations of the operator, the employees were independently instructed in the processing of personal data of employees.

In the case of a request for an explanation, export or deletion of your personal data, you can contact us by phone at +421 55 671 16 80, by e-mail at or in person at Slovenská 16, 040 01 Košice.

The operator is entitled to update this policy. The current wording of the principles of personal data processing will be published on the website and at the same time at the registered office of Slovenská 16, 040 01 Košice.

When processing personal data, we proceed in accordance with Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data, as amended subsequent regulations and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

We have been proceeding according to the stated principles of personal data processing since August 1, 2018.

TOBÁKOS s.r.o., Zuzana Tobákošová, managing director


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