055 671 16 80
Mo-Fri: 8:00 - 16:00

Ventilated facades

They represent the most suitable solution for facades, as they make it possible to meet the architectural, economic, ecological and technical requirements of architects and investors in any climatic environment.
Creating a ventilated gap between the cladding and the wall serves to maintain a healthy climate in the building, increases the effectiveness of thermal insulation in the summer and winter months. The ventilated façade is designed to breathe. The penetration of rain is minimized, condensed water is drained through the inlet and outlet openings - the creation of ie. chimney effect. The thermal insulation remains intact in the dry state throughout the life of the building. Air in the vented gap flows due to pressure and temperature differences over the entire height of the building. The ventilated façade increases the sound-insulating properties of the building envelope. The materials used are non-combustible and thus prevent the spread of fire.

We implement ventilated facades:
- wooden - steamed wood, exotic, tile, Tatra profile
- sheet metal - folded, cassette
- composite - Eternit, Cembrit, Fundermax
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